To sign up for the 2025 SGM Perinatal & Neonatal Loss Support Training CLICK HERE!

Sufficient Grace Ministries is a community based, non-profit, non-denominational organization, providing global support and resources for over 2,000 families enduring pregnancy and infant loss and birth professionals, each year. This includes those who have received a life-limiting diagnosis in pregnancy and those facing an unexpected loss through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant/toddler death. SGM has been providing resources to families since 2004, hospital staff training since 2006, and in-person support services in multiple hospitals since 2013. Our role is to walk along side doctors, nurses, and other specialties to offer a non-medical layer of parent and family-centered support. Please note, resources and services are always given free of charge to bereaved families.
Sufficient Grace Ministries Trains Hospital Staff…
Virtual Introductory Training
Sufficient Grace Ministries offers a parent-centered, CEU-approved Perinatal and Infant Loss Support Training to hospital L&D, ED, Surgical, NICU, and PICU staff. Training options range from introductory to in-depth training, describing how to help your patients create memories as they spend time with their baby throughout all gestations of pregnancy and infancy. It will include details on emotional support, remembrance photography services, SGM resources, memory-making items, and long-term support that is available to patients following the birth/loss. The virtual training is completed online over a two week period, to allow for flexible completion and will include two to 40 contact hours depending on the training selected. Also included in the training there are… additional optional videos available and Q&A Zoom meetings.
In-Person Support
Sufficient Grace Ministries understands that one layer of the training can be done in an instructional setting, such as our virtual training program, and an essential second layer is the in-person demonstration of the bereavement services SGM provides grieving families. Our in-person training conference takes place in April each year, where we learn hands-on memory-making skills and build confidence in providing support for bereaved parents through interactive role-playing exercises. The mentoring portion of the training is where SGM volunteers will come on a bereavement call and partner with the hospital staff to provide perinatal or infant loss support to your patients. This portion can be completed during both emergent and perinatal hospice support.
Visit the SGM Testimonials page to hear more about the impact of the SGM parent-centered approach.
For additional information on department specific training, click here.
For specific information about how YOUR organization can participate in the Sufficient Grace Ministries Perinatal and Infant Loss Support Training, email [email protected] to schedule a training consultation appointment.